The Spectrum of Toxicity: A Brief History of Humanity Poisoning Ourselves
In the midst of the current attention on pollution and how it affects the environment, it can be easy to think that we live in the most toxic time in world history, but that isn’t true. Over the past several hundred years humanity has grown progressively better at avoiding environmental toxins and man-made pollutants, but our awareness of the dangers of these materials has grown faster than our ability to avoid them. This makes it look like the world is growing ever more dangerous, when in fact the world is growing gradually safer, but the average person is becoming ever more aware of the dangers that have existed for a long time already. This awareness is a good thing, because the more noise people make about environmental pollution, the faster solutions will be prioritized and implemented, but this increased awareness shouldn’t force people to live in constant fear. The Industrial Age As recently at the 1800s fatal outbreaks of dysentery and other digestive infections were commonplac...